Friday, September 6, 2013


Training….training…training and GHS?
One might ask,  why is there such an emphasis on training for the new GHS elements of the revised Hazard Communication Standard?  While most of the information that will be presented on new GHS Labeling and in incoming / updated SDS will be fairly straight forward, the Pictogram element probably causes the most reason for thorough training.
The Occupation Safety & Health Agency has had a long standing position that employees have the Right-To-Know what hazards they face daily in the workplace.  That said, the Pictogram(s) that will be required on the new GHS compliant labels can have multiple meanings and can change when shown in combination.  It is obvious that understanding all of these meanings is critical to the end-user in their understanding of the hazards they are facing.  While many systems in the past included a set of symbols addressing required PPE, these symbols are no longer needed.  PPE requirements are addressed the text body of the label. 
Proper training will insure that all employees are prepared to quickly and accurately read the new label format whether for daily handling or in the event of an emergency.
Remember, SAFETYCAL® is hard at work putting together all the labeling products you will need to meet the rule head-on with confidence.  For now, send us an email to be put on our announcement list when these products are ready to launch you into compliance.   Visit us at
This information is offered for evaluation and discussion only.  For more information contact your local OSHA representative or go to