Friday, September 20, 2013
How do State plans stand up?
There are 27 States and U.S. Territories that have OSHA approved occupational S & H plans. They are Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, N Carolina, Oregon, Puerto Rico, S Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming, Connecticut, Illinois New Jersey, New York and the Virgin Islands.
Even though these States have currently approved HCS regulations in place, they MUST revise their standards to include the GHS modifications to the HCS. The adoption needs to take place within six months of the publication of the final rule by Federal OSHA.
SAFETYCAL® is hard at work putting together all the labeling products you will need to meet the rule head-on with confidence. For now, send us an email to be put on our announcement list when these products are ready to launch you into compliance. Visit us at
This information is offered for evaluation and discussion only. For more information contact your local OSHA representative or go to