Friday, May 17, 2013

GHS Signal Words

Signal Words??
The final GHS/HCS Rule requires the use of a “Signal Word” on all Labeling.  This signal word can be either Danger or Warning.  OSHA goes to great length to explain the differences of perceived understand in these two words.  Studies were conducted not only in the US, but also around the world.  It has been determined that Danger and Warning are the two most attention getting signal words, with the majority of individuals, albeit male, female, young or mature, understanding that the presence of one of these signal words is cause for greater attention.  Given that is the goal of the labels (to be noticed and read), it stands to reason that using a word to get end users to read the information simply makes sense.  There are a few chemical categories which require no signal word.  Again, we are waiting for the chemical companies to complete the new SDS forms.  Once we have those available to us, we will all have a more clear direction in regards to signal words for any given chemical and the construction of labels can begin in earnest.

This information is offered for evaluation and discussion only.  For more information contact your local OSHA representative or go to