Friday, March 29, 2013

GHS Label Design

What about those Red Diamonds?

The GHS Rule uses a variety of symbols to convey hazards.  Each symbol MUST be placed inside a RED Diamond shape and be located at the top section of the label.  NO Black borders are allowed and NO Empty Diamonds are allowed either.

OSHA goes into great detail about why they made this decision.  The rule states that the Red Border will be easily recognizable, the color will draw the eye and bring awareness to the hazard.   They have monetary evaluations of the cost of the Red Border, although this writer does not agree with all of the financial information provided.  For instance, the rule states that a simple color printer will solve the problem of placing the Red Border.  That would be true, if the requirement called for "temporary" labels.  However, since these labels must be in place for....well, forever as far as we know, they have taken no accounting of replacement costs.  So, although a chemical manufacturer may use a color printer to create a label to place on a container, it must be able to withstand weather elements, travel and then, once to its final destination, the duration of exposure needed on through disposal.  It is unlikely that a label produced on a color printer will suffice.

As a side note...SAFETYCAL is hard at work upgrading our EZMAKE® program to address this very issue.  Due out this fall, we look forward to presenting this cost-effective tool to ease your compliance.

This information is offered for evaluation and discussion only.  For more information contact your local OSHA representative or go to