Friday, March 22, 2013

GHS - How is it going to affect us?

How do we adapt to this new rule?

OSHA clarifies their view on how we will be affected by this new rule by stating that "employees whose only exposures to hazardous chemicals result from their use of the chemical" the affects will be fairly minor and consist mostly of becoming familiar with new labeling.  However, for those companies that manufacture chemicals, the standard packs a little stiffer punch.  All chemicals will need to be reclassified in accordance with the new system.  This simple statement carries a heavy weight for the chemical industry as a whole.  One can assume this includes companies that manufacture chemicals as a bi-product of their process.

That is not to say that OSHA is insensitive to the enormity of this task, which is why they have allowed a fairly long phase-in period.  And remember, this is not just US companies that must comply.  All imported chemicals must also carry the proper classification and labeling before they reach our docks.

This information is offered for evaluation and discussion only.  For more information contact your local OSHA representative or go to