Friday, January 18, 2013


GHS, HCS and DOT....
The three with a common thread!
Given the fact that DOT has already substantially aligned with GHS, the inclusion of the GHS standards into the HCS makes even more sense in the eyes of OSHA.  DOT has already aligned their classification of physical hazards and symbols with GHS.   In addition, both OSHA and DOT decided against allowing any empty red diamond frames on labels.  However, keep in mind that the regulations of DOT and OSHA address different circumstances in the life cycle of a chemical. Whereas DOT covers the transportation of dangerous chemicals, OSHA and the HCS cover workplace safety and the handling of those same dangerous chemicals.   That said, there are differences that lie in the application of the rule, as there must be.  The safe passage of a tanker truck traveling down the Interstate is not facing the same issues as an employee charged with unloading the same chemical once it reaches its destination. Thus a congruence between agencies is actually a very good thing.  Let's face it, limiting variations among authoritative rule-makers is always a benefit to those charged with training and documenting.
In the end, this alignment will simplify classifications create a unity among labels and training thus eliminating possibilities for confusion.

Next week's topic....
It's alive!!!

This information is offered for evaluation and discussion only.  For more information contact your local OSHA representative or go to