Friday, September 28, 2012


GHS…what’s it all about?   
By now you have certainly heard that GHS is a reality.  But you may not know exactly what that means to you and your company.   
GHS is the Globally Harmonized Labeling System for marking Hazardous Chemicals.
In March of 2012 OSHA finalized their rule adopting GHS.  OSHA has noted repeatedly throughout the new rule that GHS is the replacement for HCS.  Now that we know what OSHA wants, we can all begin the process of compliance.

Today’s topic…when do you have to be in compliance?
Compliance dates are as follows:
Employees trained on the new GHS Label elements and SDS format by 12/1/13
Compliance with all provisions for preparation of new labels and SDS by 6/1/15
Distributors have additional 6 months – compliance date 12/1/15
Employers have additional year – compliance date 6/1/2016 to update all hazard communication programs or other workplace signs if applicable

Long and short…you have time.  There is no need to panic.  Companies should be asking their suppliers for updated SDS and if not immediately available,  then determine when they will be available.  Keep in mind, this is a huge undertaking and OSHA is aware of this.  Their dates for compliance are both reasonable and very doable with a little planning. 
Safetycal is in the midst of revising and creating several new labeling options for your compliance to the new GHS, so stay tuned on that front as well.
This information is offered for evaluation and discussion only.  For more information contact your local OSHA representative or go to 

We welcome your questions.
Next week’s topic….
Where it gets a little fuzzy....